Weblog Alex Reuneker

10K, workout #3.5

No milk running today. Today is core day, so an hour of circuit training at the gym at work. The training consists of a circuit (hence the name) of seven strength exercises using weights, dumbells, ropes et cetera. Each exercise lasts 1:40 minutes and between strength exercises, you do 1:40 minutes of cardio, like treadmill running, rope jumping, stationary biking or rowing.

enter image description here Photo by Chase Kinney on Unsplash

While I don't really like strength training, the circuit training works well for me, because there's a motivating instructor (who, not unimportant, gives feedback on form and technique), and there's usually around ten other people, so it's kind of a group thing. Anyway, it's is a bit of a necessary evil for me, but I try to do it one hour every week. While that may not sound like much, I think it's good for core strength and balance and together with the ten minutes of core training I do at home everyday, I do feel the benefits.