Weblog Alex Reuneker


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Twee beren

— Posted in Overig by

Na de geboorte van onze zoon Casper is het hier zingen geblazen! Vooral tijdens wandelingen met z'n drieën is 'k Zag twee beren broodjes smeren leuk, want je kunt daar lekker variaties op verzinnen, vooral als je dieren in de omgeving ziet. Wie heeft er ooit gehoord van slakken die banden plakken?

Toch droogt de inspiratie op een gegeven moment op, dus het leek me leuk een website te maken waarop je met een knop steeds nieuwe varianten kunt zingen. Die moet ik uiteraard wel zelf invoeren, maar het idee is dat anderen ook suggesties kunnen insturen.

enter image description here

Voor nu kun je op https://www.reuneker.nl/files/beren met achttien coupletten, die bestaan uit dieren, objecten/bepalingen en activiteiten, toch een eindje vooruit. Dit is overigens typisch zo'n grappig maar vrij nutteloos projectje, maar het was leuk om te maken en wie weet komt het anderen van pas tijdens het zingen!

Plaintext calendar

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This is just a short post. I needed to print monthly calendar without any markup, filling an entire screen/page. I could have done this in Word or other software, but I made a simple webpage for it, so anyone can 'enjoy' printing such calendars. Sometimes those little things are just fun to make.

enter image description here

A simple page to make printable monthly calendars

Anyway, here's the link: https://www.reuneker.nl/files/savetherun/php/cal.php.

Fixing the TomTom Rider 0:00 problem

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Another very quick post. It occurred to me that my old TomTom, after dusting it off, did not retain time. I could set the correct time, and within minutes, it would switch back to 0:00. Very annoying, of course, but there is a fix. I did not create it, but I'd like to share it.

The quick and easy fix can be found at: https://www.rima-lock.com/tomtom-urban-rider-K3-WNRO-fix.htm

It solved the problem for my TomTom Rider Urban/Pro, and I hope it'll help others too.

Importing GPX files on a TomTom Rider Urban/Pro (Mac, Windows)

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As I was searching for software to import GPX routes to my old TomTom Rider (2010-ish), I found myself at a loss: none of the software for a Mac seemed to work, and I do not have a Windows machine at my disposal. The solution proved simpler than I thought, and it does not require any additional software. I'll outline the steps below.

  1. Connect you device to your computer (Mac, Windows) using a USB cable.
  2. Open the device/drive called 'Internal'.
  3. Copy your GPX file(s) to the (existing) folder called 'gpx2itn'.
  4. Disconnect your device from your computer and let it reboot.
  5. Now, if you plan a new route, and navigate to options and 'load route', you'll see the GPX file you copied.
  6. Done.

enter image description here Copy your GPX file(s) to the 'gpx2itn' folder in the root of your TomTom drive (probably called 'INTERNAL').

This is more of a reminder for myself, but if anyone finds this useful, that's even better!