Weblog Alex Reuneker

10K, workout #9

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Today's the day for a nice long run. Except, it isn't. The long run was programmed for Saturday in my training program, but I so happen to go away for a few days, so moved it to Friday. No big deal.

The workout

A steady run of 24km in heart rate zone 2, pace around 5:00/8:00.

enter image description here View from the Doenbrug near the airport in Rotterdam


I felt my knee a bit, don't know where that came from. Apart from that, the run was nice, sunny and it was easy to keep a low heart rate at a steady pace. A planned a nice route around the airport of Rotterdam, which sounds less attractive than it actually was. As I went running early, the views were beautiful and there was lots of greeting and saying hi to cyclists and the occasional other runner.

Workout data

If you want to see the workout, check it out on Garmin or on Strava.

10K, workout #8.5

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Today is core day again, so no running, but an hour of circuit training at the gym at work.

enter image description here Photo by Jelmer Assink on Unsplash

10K, workout #8

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Today I'm doing a speed workout on the track.

The workout

A good warming-up wist a lot of exercises involving a speed ladder. The core of the training consists of the following intervals: 3x200m, 3x400m,3x600m at a pace around 3:20/5:22. Between each repetition, a recovery of 30, 45 and 60 seconds respectively and two minutes between each set.

enter image description here Photo by Andrew McElroy on Unsplash


This was a hard workout, but also very rewarding. Setting a pace in the beginning is tough, because it sets the pace not only for the 200m, but also for the 400m and 600m intervals. However, it went well and I was able to keep the pace steady, although, as often is the case, I started out too fast.

Workout data

If you want to see the workout, check it out on Garmin (you can see it without an account) or on Strava (you need an account).

10K, workout #7

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After yesterday's tempo workout, today's planning includes a long run.

The workout

A steady run of 15km in heart rate zone 2, pace around 5:00/8:00.


I felt tired, and a bit rushed, because I was planning on swimming in the evening and I was running late. Unfortunately, I didn't really enjoy the run, but pace was steady, my heart rate pretty low and, well, sometimes mileage is just mileage.

enter image description here A nice view on the Vliet at sundown

In the evening I swam 2km to try out a wetsuit I had borrowed from my wife's colleague. The swimming was really, really nice, as my first open water swimming experience was without a wetsuit and it was way too cold. Doing a run while somewhat tired and going for a long(er) swim was too much for a working day, but I did feel refreshed and less tired after the swim.

Workout data

If you want to see the workout, check it on Garmin (you can see it without an account) or on Strava (you need an account). You can see the swimming route here on Garmin and Strava.

10K, workout #6

— Posted in Hardlopen by

Second week, starting off with a tempo training.

The workout

This tempo run consists of 3km warming-up, 3 times 2000m at lactate threshold (around 3:50/6:10 for me) with 1000m of recovery in between.

enter image description here A nice view of the area between Schiedam and Delft


The first 2000m didn't feel great – I had a hard time getting into a nice rhythm. The second and third 2000m however went much better. I wasn't particularly hard to keep the pace steady, but afterwards I was quite tired. The route and weather were nice, so that helped too.

Workout data If you want to see the workout, check it on Garmin (you can see it without an account) or on Strava (you need an account).

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