10K, workout #16

This week is a recovery week, which means less miles in order to recover form the last three weeks of mileage build-up. Less miles does not mean no running, though. Instead of weekly totals of 80+K, this week totals at 45K.

enter image description here Photo by Martina Misar-Tummeltshammer on Unsplash

The workout

A short 5K recovery run. I never run 5K, so it'll be interesting to see what the effect of such a short run is.


Well, 5K got to 7,5K. I just messed up the route and I should've known, because I usually suck at routing. Anyway, not a very big deal, as I kept the pace and heart rate low and steady. My legs were a bit tired, but that's not a problem for a recovery run, of course.

Workout data

If you want to see the workout, check it out on Garmin or on Strava.