Strip GPX

You can use this page to strip all non-location data from a GPX file in order to arrive at a bare route file. Why would you want that? Well, a GPX file may contain all sorts of data (heart rate, times et cetera) that you do not want to share. Furthermore, these data significantly increase the size of a GPX file, so using this page will also decrease the file size of a GPX file for easy sharing and import into other tools.

This site was made by Alex Reuneker. For questions, see contact details at


  1. Select the GPX file you want to strip.
  2. Click 'Load GPX file'.
  3. Click 'Remove non-location data'.
  4. Click 'Save as stripped GPX file'.

Input and settings

Number of waypoints: ...



The strip GPX function was written using Vanilla Javascript, and your GPX file is not uploaded to any server. Your computer itself does all the work.

The reason to create this page was that the GPX files produced by my Garmin watch during the Tour du Mont Blanc in 2021 were huge. For example, one day of hiking produced a +10MB file, which I could not load into a website for plotting the route. Using this page, the file size for this example is decreased to 3.7MB. Still large, but significantly less so.
